Thursday 31 January 2008

Stairs Tiles & Gib

Have been to busy with the build to keep you updated but the time has arrived.

I have laid the tiles in the en suite made the stairs and fitted them, they (the stairs) came together quite well, the turn was a little tricky but we arrived at the top exactly to the mark.

I was pleased with my quantity surveying, I had only 500mm of timber left and at $20 per meter...

The Gib Board (Drywall) was delivered through the bedroom french doors on a pallet by crane, no lifting up the stairs.

I am now in the process of fitting the wall insulation plus fixing the drywall.

The plumber should arrive tomorrow to fit the pipes for the en suite and little kitchen downstairs.

This kitchen will be our temporary cooking area together with the gas barbecue ,while I get on and build the 2nd stage.

The plan is to start this as soon as our existing house sells, all going well so far had about 4 people through in the first few days and we have one coming back on Monday for a second look with another a bit latter in the day.

So if you have a spare $NZ600K it could be yours!

Sunday 13 January 2008

Xmas Family Fun

The team fixing the ceiling in the upstairs bedroom, plywood is very hard to get straight!
The seccret is to shout and stamp your feet!

Lost Pictures

I thought you might like to see these pictures that I just found of the big truss and posts being put in place, it was mind focusing, hanging from a strap putting in bolts about 7 metres from the ground, it doesn't sound high when you write about it but...

Sunday 6 January 2008

More Computer Probs

The new computer has packed a sad, so took it back and the nice man said sorry, here's another, it works! brilliant. Dick Smith is a great place to buy anything from even if you do not have a receipt to prove purchase.

We have (family) been working over Xmas on the barn and now we have the upstairs ceiling fixed, 100mm grooved plywood panelling, very hard to install, a lot of drama and loud words (me) but with paint and sanding looks great. (thanks team)