Tuesday 20 November 2007


The end of a great day - achieved a lot, the roof and Velux skylight/window are now fitted, so now the rain doesn't fall on our heads.

We finished the day sitting on our neighbour's deck sipping champagne watching the sun go down, 'what a life'

Saturday 17 November 2007

Moving On

The roofing contractor left his scaffolding behind, so I have made good use of it, its very high up there, especially when you are wrestling with a 1200 x2400 sheet of plywood.

I now know why Sloths move so slowly when they are climbing trees, they are scared of heights!

This insight came to me while I was moving very slowly over the roof.

The soffits (that's the lining under the eaves) are now being fixed, a difficult job as you have to work above your head height and up the scaffold! (good fun)

Thursday 8 November 2007


Today the roofing team arrived and now we almost have a roof, only one more side to go and we will be roofed.

Before I can start cladding the building inspector needs to check out my penetrations! (Holes in the building, e.g. pipes etc.) so he's visiting tomorrow.

Tuesday 6 November 2007


The rain ceased as soon as it started and the sun came out, no wind, it turned into a beautiful day. No wonder we choose to do all the work ourselves, having to rely on other people can drive you to distraction.

Monday 5 November 2007


Bum it's raining, so no roof today, my roofers gone away (sounds like the start of a song) but I'm sure I can find some thing to do.

Sunday 4 November 2007

All Wrapped Up

The Barn is now wrapped waiting for the roof, an interesting exercise trying to tack 160 sq meters of synthetic paper to the outside of a house in a light breeze, how that artist wraps structures like the Eiffel tower? is any-ones guess.

We had hours of 'fun' just wrapping the barn, this included a lot of loud discussion.
Especially when the number one helper slipped and bumped one of her front teeth with a hammer! No tooth, very traumatic, very expensive...

Saturday 3 November 2007

Building Inspection 'Passed"

The posts for the deck/verandah were erected using the HiAb crane from M10, the next day the building inspector passed the build to this point.

The posts are now concreted in and now we can proceed to installing the deck.

We are running a little behind schedule, caused by the extreme winds over the last two weeks, it was to dangerous to work upstairs 120 - 140Km/hr winds, the building creaked and groaned but the temporary bracing worked.

Next it will be wrapping, cladding and the roof (Monday) subject to weather.