Monday 30 July 2012

More DIY

Another project that we can remove from the dreaded B list.
A set of shelves and cupboards in the sitting room, the gallery was reconverted into a workshop again, as it was the only space big enough to build the units without moving MDF dust throughout the house.

 It was a bit of a mission fitting, as the total weight is just under 400Kg's, the whole thing is bolted to the floor and wall so in the event of an earthquake it should stay in place!
Only a little bit of finishing at the side and top.
There's even a little place for my Ferrari (model).

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Then There was One!

We now have 'only' one small rabbit, Oscar (dog) scored a extra free dinner yesterday, I found him sitting with the evidence of bits of fur.- the only pieces left.
It's a pity but they make a big mess of the garden and lawn, little holes everywhere and they demolish any greenery in the vegetable garden.