Monday 20 July 2009


We moved all our furniture, plus opened the shipping container, the general comment was why do we need all this stuff?

A few pieces of furniture and a few books were removed and then locked the container up until we get back from our holiday, when we can decide what we will keep, dump or sell.

I think everyone should move regularly even if it's only to clear out all the detritus that we all collect.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Moving Day

At last we have been able to move our furniture from the barn to the house, including some of the paintings which have now found a home.
We are pleased with the old french doors they add a interesting contrast to the minimalist look.

The sound still echo around but that will improve once we have the curtains, which once again we have just found have been rejected due to a fault in the fabric, this is the second time, maybe we are not supposed to have these ones.

So it's back to the selection process.
The deck material should arrive tomorrow, bad timing, the winter has really started and now it's very cold and raining, we should be grateful that we don't get snow but we can and do get some very severe frosts.
The only benefits when this happens is we usually get a beautiful clear day.