Sunday 27 April 2008

Mushrooms Mushrooms

It's been raining down in great quantities but it has still been nice and warm, and that means field mushrooms - lots.

They taste fantastic, at least 10 times more flavour than the commercially grown variety. it only lasts a few days, so you have to eat lots...

Tuesday 22 April 2008

The Worst Job!

I knew when we started this build, the two jobs that I didn't want to do was the roof, with its associated height challenges (me!) and the plastering of the drywall.

Well we resolved number 1, by getting a contractor to put the roof on but the plastering was done by ourselves - its not the actual plastering, or the cleaning up (I'm not the neatest person and tend to work in a mess) it's the preparation prior to painting.

Sanding! dusty, hot and lots of superfine dust, even though we had bought a drywall sanding machine, it gets everywhere.

After 10 minutes of sanding you end up looking like a white rat, complete with red eyes.

If you are living in the same area everything gets covered by a coating of fine dust, that takes days of cleaning to get rid of.

We have decided that we will resist the temptation in the 2nd stage to move in until it's completely finished. -

Monday 21 April 2008

Getting Back To Normal

Life has moved from camping in a half finished shed to living in a house/barn.

The electrician has finished (well almost) the security system has a software bug that when it tries to ring my cellphone, it ignores my answer - result -very loud and lots of blue flashing lights!
The gallery lighting system is great, it now looks even better with more lights hanging off the wires.
This will be perfect when it's a dedicated gallery space, I know it's a bit off an indulgence but as I have been telling Mrs DIY it will earn us some money, one day, I hope...

Sunday 6 April 2008


As the dog has not been getting the attention he think he deserves, Oscar (dog) has started stealing stuff that he thinks I might need.

Here he sits guarding his 'treasures' in the the hope it may prompt a 'give that back to me game'.

Thursday 3 April 2008

Panic Mode

Before the move there was a lot of building activity fueled by a little panic, the upstairs bedroom was completed to a standard that all we had to do was move in, so at least we had somewhere to sleep and shower.

Downstairs on the other hand was still in bits as you can see by the photos, no kitchen and no living area.

I had the forethought to get the sky man to install the TV dish so we could watch TV upstairs – a bad move, I sat and watched a rerun of an old Boston Legal episode the other night didn’t finish until midnight!

It’s amazing how much you can get through in 2 weeks.

Ceiling finished, kitchen working (just), floor grouted and sealed. Dry walling completed (well almost).

Now we are in the throws of stopping and plastering, what an awful job dust everywhere.

The good thing Mrs. DIY has banded me from plastering and taken over the task (I don’t do a very good job) Oh aren’t we a multi talented family…

The pics show the progress from almost to all our sitting room and office stacked in the middle of the downstairs’ room.

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Moving Day

Moving house is always a drama and this one was no different except it was only next door a distance of about 30 meters.

I don't know what has been happening to our stuff but when we arrived at the original house was with a shipping container plus a small trailer.

Now we are the proud owners of 2 shipping containers!