Thursday 26 October 2017

Frame Delivery

Now all I need to do is assemble it...
The good thing is, all the sections are numbered and a set of instructions showing the frame position are included.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Ground-floor Sub-Frame

This blog is a great way of keeping a diary on the build.

Spent the last 2 days fixing the floor joists to the bearers,fixing them with 12Kn connectors.
The pile ends and all cuts have been coated with a timber preservative.(that's the green stuff)
Although we couldn't complete the entire ground floor due to the problem with the soft ground, today I have had notice that the Producer Statement from the Geo Engineer had been completed and we should have it tomorrow.
Great news we will now be able to get a pile driver to complete the foundations and we will be full steam ahead...
The frames are due for delivery this week, so we will need to store them until the ground floor is completed.

Double perimeter joist to support the wall 

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Site Clearing

As some light relief from waiting for the new pile requirements are completed, 3 large logs that I was going to mill  have now been turned into firewood!
I had a number of attempts at getting someone to cut them into posts but no one was interested in doing the work, so now I have converted the cedar logs into firewood.
Spent the weekend cutting and splitting.
Now have 3 years supply of firewood..

Monday 2 October 2017

The Foundations Continued...

While we wait for the solution to the soft ground foundation repair I decided to pour the concrete for the good section, after getting approval from the local authority building control.
The piles are set in 400 mm dia x 900 holes and the calcs to fill all the holes will take 10 tonne of builders mix plus Portland cement, all mixed at 6;1
The whole process took me 3 days of very hard work, but I did it!
10 Tonnes of Builders Mix!

40 Kg Bag 

The Cement Measuring System...