Wednesday 30 September 2009

Storm Water

Spent a happy day connecting the pipes to the water collection system that I have designed. The rainwater is now being collected in a 22,500l tank.

I have fitted a pressure pump so now all we need to do is wait for the rain to fill the tank and then we will be free of water restrictions that we have during the summer.

The only thing left to do is fit an overflow in the event that the watering usage doesn't keep up with the collection (rain!)

This means we will be able to water the garden without having to resort to using the town water system which is now metered.
We are only have a 500 cubic meter allowance for the year, it's quite a lot of water but we have still used our allowance this year, so from now on we will have to pay.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Back to Work

It's now back to work after 5 weeks holiday, Mr and Mrs DIY have spent the last 5 weeks visiting our children and new grandchild on the other side of the world, one in Montpelier S/France and the other in London.

Good holiday, rented houses in France and Wales and used these as bases together with family to explore these bits of Europe.

The weather was good with lots of heat in France, the only problem we had was I had my pocket picked while getting on the train from Montpelier to Paris, leaving me with no cash, credit cards or drivers licence.

Luckily Mrs DIY and family were able to come to the rescue, I have now have a new wallet (empty) waiting for the replacement cards and licence to arrive in the post.
Yesterday I spent the day nailing down the deck which was waiting for my return to finish, I had hoped that some little elves might have been busy but no, it was still in the same condition that I left it.

The dog had been well looked after by one of our friends who had been house sitting our place while we were away, she is currently waiting for her new house to be finished, so it worked well for all.

Once I sort out my photo's I will post some 'happy snaps' on the blog.