Friday 24 April 2009

Oh the Pressure!

We have just received a letter from the local council suggesting that we need to get the Code Compliance inspection done on the barn, (stage 1) so had to request a extension of time as the compliance is being held up by stage 2 of the build which should be finished within the next 6 weeks  'builders promise'

What a Mess

What a big mess! The digger man has dug a ditch around the house so I can fit the storm-water system and now the house has a changed look, instead of sitting in a nice green lawn, we are now sitting in a land of dirt and trenches. 
I am hoping that it dosn't rain in the next few days or the whole place will turn to a sea of mud.
It had to be done but it is still a bit of a shock to see the piles of dirt and pipes laid everywhere.
I should be able to finish this messy bit off in the next few days.

Thursday 9 April 2009

The 17th

Another step towards completion the dry walling is complete with the exception of the small guest toilet which is waiting for the plumber to fit some extra pipework for a possible extra washing machine.

This will mean we will be able to make the house self sufficient and the barn which houses our bedroom, office and studio locked on its own security system.

A slight overkill but it reduces our insurance premium.

Dave the digger man was working next door so took the opportunity to get him to move a great big mound of topsoil that was collected from the drive and house site.

We are placing it so we will get some slopping ground (small hills) along the the lines of the approach to the 17th at the golf club.

When I mentioned the likeness to Augusta Mrs DIY said "why don't we dig a lake as a water feature". Oh dear why do I make these off the cuff comments.
The digger has decided to take a rest (breakdown) with the hydraulics pump busting an 'o' ring and dropping its entire oil supply over the lawn, looks as if it may be resting there over the Easter weekend...

Thursday 2 April 2009

The Dog Reports

man what a day - i finally caught one of those pesky rabbits. boy, can they move but I can move faster. the 'boss' is really pleased and said i was a good boy or something like that. the '2 legs' don't speak very clearly.
i have been trying to catch one for ages (one of those furry things) as they not only sneak onto my patch, they leave lots of little round poos all over my land plus they dig up the lawn and make holes around the trees, which makes my 'boss' cross.
sorry must go now, as the boss is heading towards the silver thing in the other room - they call it a fridge, it's the place they hide my food.
they think they are very clever but i know were they hide it, one day I will find out how to work the security system and get the goodies they keep in there...
wonder what's for dinner?