Monday 17 November 2014

Greek Odyssey 2014

It was all a bit of a 'Spur of the moment' adventure but after a text message to Mrs DIY, from a friend suggesting that "why don't we go to Greece and charter a yacht", after some very fast organisation and five weeks later we had left the New Zealands winter behind, and were climbing aboard a sailing boat in the port of Laverion (Athens, Greece) headed for the islands of the Cyclades.
I was going to put a lot of pictures of our fantastic holiday but after looking through the selection all I could find were pictures of sailing, sunsets, lots of blue and white houses and 4 people eating and drinking and generally enjoying themselves.
So I have only posted a few that covers one of the best holidays we've ever had.
Washing Day!

You get to Know the Greek Waters Pilot very well

The Joy of an Autopilot

The Greek Wine was Great

Mrs DIY arriving in port just before us, but Wet!
The wind was really good, even had some 30-40 knot winds which made the sailing fun, the temperature was around 30C and the water very warm, even went swimming.
Would we go again? yes!