Friday 19 October 2007

Summer has arrived????

What a day, the weather was great, achieved a lot put up the 7m posts for the deck it took a little longer to erect than expected but with the Hi-ab from Mitre10 we made it.

With a great day at this time of year means frost, the helicopters have been arriving all evening, when the frost comes down it can get very noisy with the choppers moving over the vineyards at about 100m, just above the inversion layer moving the warm air down, it sounds like 'Apocalypse Now'.

Wednesday 17 October 2007

Gale force Winds - Only 110kms Predicted!

A beautiful clear still day this morning, so I was able to get the scaffolding up to align the truss ends (string line and a saw).
All went well even though I was a LOOONG way from the ground, I had to move fast as the weather was predicted to change by lunch time - it did with a vengeance, the blue skies turned to black and we had all the rubbish predicted.

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Another Rain Day

It's raining again, I had to call it a day as the water was dripping down my neck and my power tools were getting a tad moist.

The build has been moving along well with all the trusses in place and securely fixed, all the bracing is complete, so now the house will not fly away in the winds we get in Martinborough.

The good news is that we have someone to put the roof on, a job that I was not looking froward to as its quite high up there, plus he can do it when we want, which is within the next 2 weeks, ya.

With all this rain all the grass is growing very fast -especially the bit which had all the attention for the cricket match...

Sunday 7 October 2007

The Stress of it All!

The truss frames were lifted up and 'roughly' placed in position, the wind was increasing, the frames were starting to swing and yours truly was hanging on about 6 meters above the ground.
I was only able to get 3 fixed in place before the predicted high winds arrived (est 120km/hr) this went on and off for the next 2 days.
Sunday arrived and between the All Blacks/French game we finally finished the truss fixing, with Mrs DIY shouting at the TV and Oscar hiding in his retreat under the stairs, a very emotional day!.

Monday 1 October 2007

1st Floor Frames

Time delay photography over 3 days.

It got a 'little' exciting putting up the end gables, almost ended up with some very expensive firewood! but with the help of Mrs DIY it was all completed.

The next bit is the roof trusses which will be interesting - I am not keen on high places...